

“IKI Velomarathon” attracts every year not only professional cyclists but also enthusiasts of this sport! In the event’s campus near the Seimas Palace, entertainment was also found for the like-minded people, relatives and friends, who came to support the participants; for the passers-by, who eagerly joined unexpected fitness activities; and for the children, who had a great time in the spaces reserved for them. Fun for all tastes!

We will update you with the latest information on the activities at the 2024 IKI Velomarathon as the event approaches.

Here’s a look back at the attractions on the IKI Velomarathon 2023 campus:


"ENERGY LOADER" was located in the IKI Velomarathon campus - inviting cyclists and their support teams to recharge their energy, enjoy fresh fruit, drinks, ice cream, relax in the rest area and shop in the shop on wheels "BUY AND RIDE". After charging up, cyclists were able to find convenient bike racks, a bike repair rack, and will be able to inflate their tires.
If you missed the bike check, come to the DECATHLON tent. The energetic team gave advice on how to look after your bike as the seasons change, as we ride almost all year round. How can you not win prizes? Here you could take part in challenges and win sporty gifts.
During the event, Husqvarna introduced electric bikes and dispel many myths about them. It can be your choice for moving around the city, transport of active free time and a good choice for country trips. At least 10 different bike models were be available for viewing during the event: HardCross, Mountain Cross, Light Cross, Offroad, Allroad, Erban, Ecocity, etc.
Today's stars - Toyota cars! Accompanying and protecting cyclists on the track. People could test their luck by spinning the Toyota wheel of fortune and learn more about how to keep your Toyota car in top condition with the unique Toyota "Relax" guarantee.
VITABIOTICS vitamins for the whole family - WELLMAN, WELLWOMAN, WELLTEEN and WELLKID will help to take care of a good mood and great well-being! Everyone interested in a healthy lifestyle were waiting for healthy gifts and the opportunity to try their luck spinning the wheel of fortune! Take care of your family's well-being and energy with WELL vitamins!
You were able to come to the FIELMANN tent, try on and buy OAKLEY glasses designed just for you. Specially made PRIZM ROAD lenses make it possible to more easily notice changes in the road surface, spot surface irregularities in time, and also enhance the brightness and contrast of the visible image even more. Clear vision with OAKLEY - Your key to victory! And to make it even brighter, you could visit the FIELMANN tent to pamper your glasses with a spa treatment before the start.
The bicycle acrobats Greentrials from Latvia performed in the courtyard of the M. Mažvydas Library. Performing spectacular stunts, the cyclists will present their most popular programme "Greentrials Bike Tour"!
You could also visit the tent of the Lithuanian Armed Forces Military Conscription and Recruitment Service and get acquainted with the Lithuanian Armed Forces, the ways of serving in the army, and the weaponry used. We hope that you did not miss the opportunity to talk to the soldiers who answered all your questions about the Lithuanian Armed Forces and play in an interactive quiz. And, of course, you were be able to try your hand at the machine gun holding and compete in push-up competition.
In the Seimas tent, people were invited to test their knowledge in a quiz about the work of the Seimas, legislation and Lithuanian parliamentarism, as well as try the "Political Compass", which helped determine their political views. Quiz participants were awarded with symbolic souvenirs of the Seimas. The guests of the event were able to view the exhibited exhibition in the Great Courtyard and rest at the rest area.
At the police traffic safety stop, participants of the IKI Velomarathon had the opportunity to talk to police officers and get all relevant information about the safe behavior of cyclists on the road. Police officers adviced cyclists how to avoid accidents while traveling by bicycle, organized a safe traffic quiz, popularized mandatory safety equipment for cyclists, and conducted an experiment on the effectiveness of a cyclist's helmet. The activities organised for the children were attended and entertained by Amsis, a friend of the Lithuanian Police.
IKI Velomarathon water - Neptūnas made sure you had enough water while cycling!
Garmin was up for a real challenge. Take on a virtual track with one of the most advanced and realistic Tacx bike trainers. Of course, there were also products for cycling enthusiasts and professionals to see and try out: smart watches, bike lights and computers.
The European Commission Representation in Lithuania invited you to go behind the European Green Line and find out all about the EU's goal to become the first climate-neutral continent and the concrete actions to be taken. You could win healthy and tasty prizes at the European Green Deal tent! Let's make the European Green Deal a reality!
Red Bull gave wings to the bar in the centre of the event! All adult participants found vouchers in their entry packs, so they could exchange them for a cold can of Red Bull as they rolled!
The JUDU area was full of fun and games that showed how easy it is to move in harmony in the city. You could try your hand at nothing less than an electric bike! We also invited you to try out different ways of travelling in Vilnius and win JUDU prizes if you chose the most sustainable way!
We hope you came to the AUGA tent! There were organic and ready-to-eat products! You could taste the products of the new sustainable product line "mission without cost to nature", which are made in Lithuania and all raw materials come directly from organic "AUGA" farms.
All those who wanted to make their ride more meaningful were invited to support and ride for the Around Cancer team, donate to the little patients at the Foundation's tent and receive an Around Cancer T-shirt. And everyone who wanted to take a picture could get a snapshot! You could also have a chat and a photo with the founder of the Foundation, Rimantas Kaukėnas, buy Foundation merchandise or enjoy cotton candy for your donation.
Throughout the event, your safety was ensured by the friendly, responsible and responsive Order of Malta First Aid team. The first aid tent was not only a refreshing place to drink water, but also to learn first aid skills. Grow knowledge that saves lives! Maltesers is a community where everyone matters.
DJ Toosante - Dominik Rynkiewicz took care of the good mood of the participants and their support teams during the entire event.